Cloth Made From Hemp?
This is certainly a new one for us at Redwood & Feller. A client came to us asking for a suit but the cloth needed to be made of hemp, he mentioned a company called Drapers make this.
After getting in contact with them he was correct and we requested all the samples they had.

As you can see they are undyed fabrics and very natural also apparently less appealing for moths which is definitely a good thing.
so what this space as we are making a two piece suit from it. Here’s some more information below on the cloth-
Worsted beige micro-design fabric, suitable for sports jacket wear and included in the H.O.P.E. set. Made of wool, hemp and cotton, it is recommended for garments to be worn in spring/summer.
The fabric is 150 cm high and the weight is 280 g/m.
Exclusively produced for Drapers by the historic Vitale Barberis Canonico woollen mill in Pratrivero, Biella. Made in Italy.